Latest Episodes

Capital Gains Tax Deferral
When it comes to deferring the capital gains tax that comes along with selling property or other business assets, there are very few options...

What If an Insurance Company Fails?
One of the most common fears that people share when faced with the prospect of getting an insurance policy is what happens if the...

Matching Annuity Philosophy
The goal of retirement income planning is to provide income for life but matching your retirement income strategy to your specific needs can be...

Basic Income Planning with Annuities
Making a great income with a steady paycheck is a dream for most. But the wrinkles in our lives make it more difficult to...

Maximize Social Security
Social Security is a program that's been around for years. But several changes have come over the years, and some of those changes have...

Annuity Alternatives
Many people want to protect money to produce income or to just accumulate but fear a long-term commitment with annuities. The list of alternatives...