Latest Episodes

Looking At Market Meltdowns & Rate Cuts With A Clear Head
In this episode of the Annuity Straight Talk Podcast, Bryan brings back John Balmer to talk about some big changes in the market. They...

Allianz Inflation Adjusted Annuity Payments
In this episode, Bryan takes a critical look at Allianz’s inflation-adjusted annuity payments. With inflation being a hot topic, many are drawn to promises...

Should you surrender an annuity early?
Introduction to annuities and the importance of buyer education. ⚠️ Historically advised against early surrender due to potential losses. Positive market adjustments may offset...

Allianz 222 Exodus
️ Bryan Anderson discusses favorable trends in the annuity market for retirees. Concerns on Allianz contracts arise from greedy agents rather than the company...

Fidelity Investments is Marketing Annuities in 2024
01:21 Fidelity is now including annuity recommendations in their marketing efforts, reflecting a shift towards a more well-rounded retirement approach. 05:47 Fidelity is promoting...

Annuity Ladders: CD and Bond Alternatives
Annuity ladders, CDs, and bonds help manage interest rate risk and diversify investments. Yields on CDs, bonds, and annuities are similar, with tax differences....